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Coordinator of Rehabilitation, New York Giants

Bryon Hansen received his BS from the University of Oregon in 1978 where he began as a student athletic trainer.  He went on to receive his MS from University of Colorado in 1981. From 1980-1998, he worked as an athletic trainer for the University of Southern California. During the span of more than three decades, Hansen has had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s most elite athletes and doctors who have helped shape the way he approaches sports medicine.

He was the Coordinator of Rehabilitation for the New York Giants from 1998 to 2016. He lent his years of expertise to young doctors and athletic trainers from the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) who come to work for the team as part of a Sports Medicine Fellowship. Hansen and his team of sports medicine experts mentored these young doctors and athletic trainers, much like he was mentored in the beginning of his own career, as they worked alongside them daily. Together with the fellows and the rest of his medical crew, Hansen spent the bulk of his time diagnosing and treating his player’s injuries.

During his role as Coordinator of Rehabilitation, Hansen determined the number of major and minor injuries and delegated treatment for each player. During the season, he prioritized getting his hurt players healthy and back to competition swiftly while minimizing chance of re-injury.